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Transition from Managed Services
Cut Costs and Scale Up your Programme
Transition from Managed Services
Cut Costs and Scale Up your Programme
  • Managed Services - convenient but expensive

    It is not your only option!

  • Require a better return with Automation?

    Increase your ROI now!

  • Our 5 Step Plan can transition your managed service

    5 key steps enables you to take control of your automation programme & deliver at scale and at lower cost

  • You can make a difference TODAY

    Get in touch and we will help you run your own automations at lower cost and scale your programme quickly

There is an out-of-control financial crisis in local councils across England.

Councils are hit by a double harm of increased demands for services while experiencing a significant hit to their real-terms spending power in recent years
Clive Betts, Housing and Communities Commitee Chair
There is an out-of-control financial crisis in local councils across England.

Councils are hit by a double harm of increased demands for services while experiencing a significant hit to their real-terms spending power in recent years
Clive Betts, Housing and Communities Commitee Chair
Our 5 step plan will make you self sufficient in
automation delivery in just 6-12 months

We can support you in transitioning from your managed service to your own development capability
& your own automations in less than the duration of one annual contract with your managed service provider.

How do we know this?  We are supporting 2 Councils in the South East transferring their automations
into an in house programme today.

We can support you too.
You already know automation can significantly reduce cost
What you may not know is that it is perfectly possible to transition from a Managed Service model to an in house capability which can significantly increase your scope to develop automations.
Our 5 step migration plan could get you to self sufficiency in automation in 6 months or less.

What are the benefits to you in doing this?
Reduced Cost
One Council we are working with now has their own Blue Prism Platform, 3 automations under development and a training programme scheduled for less than the cost of the managed service running 2 automations.
Increased Scope
For the same amount of money you can automation processes in your business that matter to you as opposed to selecting processes a provider knows will increase their bottom line.
Faster Development
Developing in house means you can deliver your own automations quicker and more effectively, increasing the savings you can make from Intelligent Automation.
Faster Maintenance
Your automations.  Your rules.  You define how your automations should operate and how these process interact with other areas of your Council.
You already know automation has the potential to significantly reduce cost
What you may not know is that it is perfectly possible to transition from a Managed Service model to an in house capability which can significantly increase your scope to develop automations
Our 5 step migration plan could get you to self sufficiency in automation in 6 months or less.
What are the benefits to you in doing this?

Reduced Cost
One Council we are working with now has their own Blue Prism Platform, 3 automations under development and a training programme scheduled for less than the cost of the managed service running 2 automations.

Increased Scope
For the same amount of money you can automation processes in your business that matter to you as opposed to selecting processes a provider knows will increase their bottom line.

Faster Development
Developing in house means you can deliver your own automations quicker and more effectively, increasing the savings you can make from Intelligent Automation.

Faster Maintenance
Your automations.  Your rules.  You define how your automations should operate and how these process interact with other areas of your Council.

Start the transition now!
Transform your automation programme & deliver automations faster & at lower cost!
Start the transition now!
Transform your automation programme & deliver automations faster & at lower cost!